Over Bestrijding van resistente bacteriën: alternatieven voor antibiotica

Bestrijding van resistente bacteriën: alternatieven voor antibiotica

Bestrijding van resistente bacteriën: alternatieven voor antibiotica

Avondlezing door Drs. Wim Nuboer (Director Business Development, Micreos) georganiseerd door de Bossche Chemische Kring.

Micreos is a biotechnological company, pioneer and market leader in the development of antibacterial phage technology. Building on from innovative scientific research, partly carried out in Switzerland, Micreos has already introduced various FDA-approved and award-winning products. Micreos collaborates with reputable scientific institutes and universities. Much of its scientific work is published. The company is characterized by its continuous and daring innovation to bring phage technology to market.

Micreos develops the world's first targeted antibacterial products, set to replace antibiotics. The company is viewed as global leader spearheading this exciting new field. With Micreos endolysin technology, for the first time we can kill only the unwanted bacteria - including antibiotic resistant strains - while leaving the beneficial bacteria intact. In addition, research shows that the use of endolysins does not induce resistance. This unlocks a completely new approach in dealing with the bacteria around us - also enabling daily use as long as needed while preserving the important biodiversity on our skin and in our gut.

Micreos' Staphefekt SA.100 is an enzyme (endolysin), which kills only Staphylococcus aureus, including MRSA. It is suitable for routine maintenance therapy, for inflammatory skin conditions such as eczema, rosacea, psoriasis and inflammatory acne and has already had a life changing impact for many. It is marketed under the Gladskin brand.

Micreos has also developed FDA-approved food safety products against Salmonella and Listeria monocytogenes, which is especially dangerous for pregnant women and for the elderly and immuno-compromised. More information on these food safety products is available at the Phageguard website

Curriculum VitaeWim Nuboer
Drs. Wim Nuboer is Director Business Development at Micreos.

He has an Economics degree from Erasmus University Rotterdam and worked in various management positions in Europe, Asia and North America at Friesland Campina, Unilever and Zeelandia before he moved to Micreos in 2009.

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