Over Trainen van de afweer: Hoe wij ons immuunsysteem kunnen leren

Trainen van de afweer: Hoe wij ons immuunsysteem kunnen leren

Getrainde immuniteit: extra afweer tegen infecties

Avondlezing door prof.dr. Mihai Netea (Experimentele Interne Geneeskunde, RadboudUMC, Nijmegen; Spinozaprijs winnaar 2016) georganiseerd door de Bossche Chemische Kring.

The goal of my research efforts is to translate information obtained through the assessment of human genetic variation in patients into novel diagnostic and therapeutic approaches.  My group has a strong track record on translating genetic information into understanding pathophysiological mechanisms of disease. I have a broad expertise on the host mechanisms responsible for the recognition of bacterial and fungal pathogens and the activation of the innate immune system, on the one hand, and the genetic susceptibility to infections on the other hand. I have described the epigenetic mechanisms mediating innate immune memory (‘trained immunity’) for the first time.

During the last 7 years I have also been involved in developing several major projects in infection and genetics at the University of Medicine Craiova, Romania, where I hold a professorship position since 2016. In addition, I am visiting professor at the University of Medicine and Pharmacy Cluj-Napoca, Romania. Since 2017 I have also holding a position of professor in immunometabolism at the University of Bonn, where I am developing a research line on functional genomics in human immunology.

Curriculum vitae prof.dr. Mihai G. Netea

Professor of Experimental Medicine, Head of the Laboratory of Experimental Internal Medicine, Radboud Univ. Nijmegen Med. Ctr.

“Iuliu Hatieganu” University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania (Medicine, MD - 1993)
Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (Immunology, PhD - 1998)
Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands (Infectious Diseases, ID Specialist - 2006)
University of Colorado, Denver, USA (Immunology, Post-doctoral - 2007)

Honors and awards
1997 Institute of Cellular Signaling Nijmegen Award
1999 Merck Irving S. Sigal Memorial Award of the American Academy of Microbiology
2002 International Sepsis Forum Young Investigator Award
2002 Dutch Society for Medical Microbiology Aventis Award
2003 Postdoctoral Investigator Award, International Cytokine Society
2003 SmithKline Beecham Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy Award
2005 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Young Investigator Award
2005 ICAAC Programme Committee Award in “Immunology of Infection”
2006 WRO Goslinsgsprijs of the Infectious Diseases Society of the Netherlands
2008 Nijmegen University Center for Infectious Diseases Award
2005 Vidi Research Award ZonMW
2010 Vici Research Award ZonMW
2011 Nijmegen University Center for Infection, Inflammation and Immunity Award
2011 Radboud Science Award
2012 ERC Consolidator Grant
2013 European Society for Clinical Investigation Award for “Translational Research”
2015 Elected Member of Academia Europaea
2016 Jessie Boden Lloyd Visiting Professor of Immunology at the University of Calgary
2016 elected member of the Netherlands Royal Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW)
2016 Spinoza Prize of the Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research
2017 Honorary Degree Honoris Causa University of Aberdeen
2017 elected “ESCMID Fellow”
2017 elected Fellow of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (FIDSA)
2018 van Loghem Award of the Netherlands Society for Immunology.

Publication metrics:
Researcher id                     N-5155-2014
Hirsh-index factor               94 (Web of Sciences) and 116 (Google Scholar)

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