High-resolution laser spectroscopy: from car exhaust along the Milky Way to boosting crop yields using sunscreens
Avondlezing door prof.dr. Wybren Jan Buma georganiseerd door de Bossche Chemische Kring.
Kort CVWybren Jan Buma received in 1989 cum laude his PhD degree at Leiden University where he performed his PhD research in both Experimental Physics and Theoretical Chemistry. After a postdoc at UC Riverside, he joined in 1991 the faculty of the University of Amsterdam where he became professor by special appointment of the John van Geuns Fonds foundation in 2001. Since then he has held the regular chair in Molecular Spectroscopy at this university. Since 2017 he holds as well the chair by special appointment Spectroscopy of Photoactive Molecules and Materials at the Radboud University where he is affiliated to the FELIX Laboratory. In 2008 he was awarded the EU Descartes Prize for Transnational Research as a member of the SynNanoMotors team. Presently, he is scientific director of the van ’t Hoff Institute for Molecular Sciences (HIMS) at the UvA as well as of the interuniversity Holland Research School of Molecular Chemistry (HRSMC) graduate school.
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