De wapenwedloop tussen bacteriën en ons afweersysteem: implicaties voor infectieziekten bestrijding
Avondlezing door prof. Jos van Strijp georganiseerd door de Bossche Chemische Kring.
SamenvattingJos van Strijp is Professor of Experimental Microbiology in the Utrecht. He was educated in Utrecht, New York (Rockefeller) and Boston. He now leads a group of 25 scientists, all involved in bacterial pathogenesis.
Van Strijp has an H-factor of 41, has published in many top journals (Cell, Nature Immunol, J Exp Med J Clin Invest Cell Host Microbes etc) and 145 papers in total. Van Strijp has supervised 35 PhD students and 15 Postdocs. He was Keynote speaker at more than 30 occasions and gave more than 100 invited talks, worldwide.
Van Strijp has organised and lectured in many courses in Infectious diseases as well as in Immunology in Utrecht, Amsterdam, Denmark, Norway, Brazil and Germany. Van Strijp is editor of several journals and regular referee for a great variety of organizations such as NWO (NL), STW (NL) and The Welcome Trust (UK).
In addition, he is Panel member on major funding schemes such as DFG (Germany), SFI (Ireland), AKA (Finland), ANR (France) and SRC (Sweden). Van Strijp is Director of the Graduate School PhD and the Journal of Innate Immunity.
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